Friday, December 6, 2013

Winter Fun

This week we started to discuss the changes in the weather and all the things that we are able to do in the winter as opposed to summer. 

 We additionally discussed the different clothing we wear when it gets colder out and how we wear more layers of clothing during winter time. To review all the articles of clothing that we wear during winter we played a game called "The Super Duper Winter Dress Up Game." Each child got a turn to put one article of clothing on Peetey Winter so that he could go outside and play in the cold!

We continued to talk about the change of season. As the seasons change so does the weather. During winter time it gets colder and it snows. We read The Snowy Day and talked about all the things we like to do on a snowy day. 


As a fun science experiment we decided to turn a liquid into a solid. The children helped fill up the ice cube trays with water (a liquid) and added food coloring to some of the water cubes. We then had to decide on a place to put the tray in order the water into ice (a solid). We concluded that we should keep them in the freezer. The next day we took out the ice cube tray to find that the water had hardened and it was no longer a liquid. The water turned to ice! To make it even more interesting we left some of the ice cubes in our warm classroom to see what would happen next. The children made predictions to what would happen. Some children thought that it might stay hard. At the end of the day we checked on the ice cubes to discover that after sitting in the classroom the entire day the ice transformed back into a liquid. 

With the remaining ice the children created beautiful ice cube artwork!

Song of the week:

Snowflake Song 
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little snowflake, fat and round
Falling softly to the ground.
When enough of me falls hear me shout,
"Here's a snowball, better watch out!" (pretend to throw a snowball)

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